Headaches and facial pain can be associated with concussion type injuries or common referral sites from the upper neck or cranial nerves. Poor posture and scapular positioning are often involved. TMJ (jaw) dysfunctions can generate pain in these areas as well as trigger points in cervical muscles.
Hand & Wrist
Joint stiffness, carpal bone restrictions, ligaments, cartilage and muscles often are the cause of pain. Carpal tunnel syndrome and referral form the neck and elbow have to be ruled out in addition to vascular restrictions.
Tendinitis, trauma and neural tension are common causes. Vascular restrictions, cervical referral and chronic scar tissue can delay elbow recovery.
Foot & Ankle
Ligament sprains, tendinitis, joint stiffness, great toe restrictions and muscle tightness/weakness are the main contributors. Neural tension, lumbar restrictions and hip strength and mobility also need to be assessed and treated to ensure effective carryover.
Ligament, meniscus and referral patterns due to muscle imbalances are key influences for pain and dysfunction. Other sources include hip weakness, lumbar dysfunctions and poor foot mechanics.
Lower back
Facet joints, disc pathologies, muscle tightness, sacrum and core weakness are common causes. Pelvic restrictions, neural mobility (sciatic, femoral), motor control, hip flexibility and foot mechanics must also be assessed.
Upper back
Facet joint stiffness, rib restrictions, muscular tightness and disc pathologies are common sources of pain. Don’t forget the neck, low back, scapula and shoulder as possible roots as well. The ability to control ideal movement patterns must be assessed and addressed to ensure maximum recovery.
Ligament, capsule, labrum, muscles and impingement of tendons are commonly involved in shoulder pain. Neural tension, postural set, scapular control, cervical and thoracic spine mobility must also be ruled in or out for effective treatment.
Muscles and trigger points, facet joints, disc pathologies and poor posture are common causes of neck pain. Stiffness in the thoracic spine as well as poor scapular control or position can also drive neck pain.